Making progress towards our goal of securing access to essential medicines for all veterinarians globally!


The WSAVA List of Essential Medicines for Cats and Dogs is here!

We have taken the next step in our campaign to ensure access to veterinary medicines for all veterinarians with the launch of the WSAVA Essential Medicines for Cats and Dogs. Developed by our Therapeutics Guidelines Group (TGG), this ground-breaking document aims to tackle the difficulties that exist for our members in many regions of the world in accessing vital veterinary medicines by supporting the availability of the drugs required for minimum standards of clinical practice.



Dr. Paulo Steagall

Commenting on the launch of the WSAVA Esssential Medicines List, Dr Paulo Steagall, Co-chair of the TGG, says:

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Many of our global colleagues lack access to even essential drugs, such as opioid analgesics. This limits their ability to treat pain in their patients, leading to unnecessary suffering and compromising animal welfare. But it’s not just their patients that suffer. We know our members and their colleagues experience deep frustration as they are unable to provide the standard of veterinary care they have been trained to deliver. For a profession already facing serious mental health problems, this is an unnecessary additional burden.

The WSAVA List of Essential Medicines for Cats and Dogs is a major milestone in our efforts to support global drug availability and one that we believe will be helpful in making regulatory decisions around licensing, registration and approval. We believe it will also support pharmacovigilance and help to mitigate the effects of a growing market for counterfeit pharmaceutical products.



Shane Ryan

Dr. Shane Ryan

WSAVA President Dr Shane Ryan says:

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Resolving the long-standing problem so many of our members face in accessing fundamental medicines is one of our most important priorities.

We congratulate members of our TGG who have worked very hard to produce this comprehensive resource which is the next step in our campaign to secure access for all veterinarians to the drugs to they need to care for their patients.



Find out more about the WSAVA Essential Medicines List in this Executive Summary.

Please review the List and give us your feedback.

Please ask your Member Association to consider endorsing the List here.

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