Meet a WSAVA Volunteer – Dr Junya Yasuda


Dr Junya Yasuda is a veterinarian in Tokyo, Japan. He is also a hard-working member of our Translation Committee.


Dr Junya Yasuda

Could you briefly introduce yourself to our members?

I work manage a testing laboratory in my home town of Tokyo.

Why did you want to become a veterinarian?

I majored in history at college and knew nothing about the natural sciences but I found that I wanted to learn much more about this area so I then became a veterinary student.

What areas of veterinary practice do you most enjoy?

I particularly enjoy dermatology. These cases are of great concern to owners and, when the condition is resolved and the symptoms disappear, it is very rewarding.

You are a member of the WSAVA’s Translation Committee. Why did you want to get involved with it?

I want to introduce Japan to the world and bring world issues to Japan. In my experience, the latest, cutting-edge information is not always available in Japan so I felt participating in the Translation Committee would be a good way to share educational opportunities with my Japanese colleagues. I currently translate press releases and the WSAVA’s COVID-19 resources. When I have more time, I will start work on WSAVA Global Guidelines.

Why do you believe that the work of the WSAVA is important?

The WSAVA produces new and informative approaches to veterinary practice. They are useful educational tools for my Japanese colleagues and I enjoy sharing them.

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