WSAVA Educational Partner ACTAsia Flies the Flag for Animal Welfare in China


As COVID-19 restricts its face to face training, it is working with Vets for Compassion to create an expert-led webinar series


Our Educational Partner ACTAsia is a not-for-profit organization which provides veterinary training in China and other parts of Asia to help promote animal welfare. It had a series of activities planned for 2020 in China as part of its ‘train the trainer’ strategy to increase standards of veterinary care by creating a network of Vet Trainers. When travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic made these activities impossible, the team worked with its partners at Vets for Compassion (VfC) to create a series of CE webinars with simultaneous translation into Chinese, led by leading vets from around the world. They are being made available to veterinarians in China from June 10.

Dawn Peacock, Director of Programs at ACTAsia, explains:
[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]While our practical training will resume once we are safe to do so, we didn’t want to lose the opportunity to continue our education program this year so we are delighted to have created this new webinar series.[/blockquote]


[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]We believe the webinars will add value to our face-to-face work because they cover additional topics and feature some of the world’s leading speakers. They will make an important contribution to the practical professional education we offer to veterinarians in Asia and support the expansion of our Vet Trainer network.[/blockquote]

She added: [blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]We are grateful for the support we receive from the WSAVA and also thank our wonderful partners at VfC, who have volunteered their time to create the webinar content, using their expertise and knowledge of what is available medicine and resource-wise in China.[/blockquote]

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