WSAVA Interview – Dr Iveta Becvarova


Dr Iveta Becvarova is Director of Global Academic and Professional Affairs at Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Gold Partner to the WSAVA. Hill’s is a generous supporter of our Global Nutrition Committee and the Professional Wellness Group.

Could you introduce yourself briefly to WSAVA members?

I’m a veterinary nutritionist, originally from the Czech Republic. In addition to my role at Hill’s, I am an Adjunct Faculty member in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, USA.

What do you enjoy most about your role at Hill’s?

I work with an amazing team of professionals in global veterinary associations to help advance the field of veterinary nutrition and medicine and one of my passions is organizing Hill’s Global Symposia. My role usually involves a great deal of travel but because of the current restrictions, I’m learning how to work using on-line and virtual communication to the veterinary profession. I have a passion for education and teaching so I find my role really motivating and fulfilling.


Dr Iveta Becvarova

Hill’s is one of our longest-standing Industry Partners. How would you ribe the

Hill’s has been WSAVA partner from the very early days and has supported it as it has grown into the respected and influential veterinary association it is today. As we are now an Industry Partner, we have the opportunity to participate in WSAVA activities and have a voice, which is exciting.
Working with the WSAVA is a joy. Even in difficult times like those we face today during which we can’t meet physically, we are still moving our projects forward successfully, which says a lot about our partnership. Working together and delivering in challenging times is a true test of our partnership and we are succeeding.

Hill’s has supported the Global Nutrition Committee for many years. What are the most important developments in nutrition that our members should be aware of?

My first professional encounter with WSAVA was in 2010 when I was approached to become a member of the WSAVA’s new Global Nutrition Committee (GNC). At that time, I was still working in a full-time faculty position at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine in Virginia, USA. I had no idea that, one day, I would work for Hill’s in my current role.
It was a privilege for me to help to create the GNC’s Nutritional Guidelines and develop some of the first nutrition tools in the GNC’s Toolkit, which are freely available to veterinary professionals around the world.


The GNC marks its tenth anniversary this year and, during this time, it has done a great deal to advance understanding of the importance of a veterinary nutritional globally. It is very important to me, as a veterinary nutritionist, that we encourage veterinary professionals to include a diet history, body condition score and nutritional recommendation in each patient’s visit to the clinic. We’ve come a long way but there is still room for improvement in raising awareness of the GNC’s Global Nutrition Guidelines so we need to keep on educating!

Hill’s has recently started supporting our Professional Wellness Group (PWG) too. Why did the company want to do this and what do you hope the PWG can achieve?

At Hill’s we want to encourage more of a focus on one of the most pressing and stigmatized issues faced by the profession, which has not, until recently, been widely discussed: mental health. I see Hill’s support of the PWG as absolutely critical to help find solutions and develop tools that every veterinary professional can access to help them combat the challenges that contribute to the stress and anxiety levels that many experience daily. I have hope and faith in the PWG to make a big difference in this challenging area.

Tell us something about you might surprise us

I’m a passionate yogi and recently took it to the next level – stand up paddle board yoga! I love the challenge and working with my balance. Working from home has also motivated me to get a bicycle and take amazing rides around Lawrence, Kansas, with a bunch of other cycling enthusiasts. Cycling in a group outdoors, while keeping physical distancing, has been one of my favorite ‘Covid time’ social activities thus far. It also releases lots of beneficial endorphins. I highly recommend it to anyone living alone, experiencing stress and anxiety from months of social distancing!


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