A big thank you to WSAVA Past President Dr Walt Ingwersen


We invited him to reflect on his time at the WSAVA and to share some memories

Dr Walt Ingwersen has served the WSAVA for more than 25 years. His first role was as Chair of our Microchip Committee and he joined the Executive Board in 2008. He fulfilled two terms as Honorary Secretary before becoming WSAVA President in 2016.

What is your happiest memory of your time with the WSAVA?

After 25+ years there are so many – but I can group them into three areas:

  • working with my wife June, who preceded Arpita and the current Secretariat, on something we both enjoyed and felt so passionate about
  • friendships made along the way, which developed into wonderful post-Congress experiences as friends became hosts and shared with us the culture and wonders of their country
  • Executive Board meetings in shared accommodation – a joy to get to know the board personally and a great team-building experience!

    Tell us about a funny, unplanned or unexpected moment
    Before the appointment of Kenes, our PCO, June and I organized the Assembly meeting, as well as many other meetings and social events at Congress. I arrived at many events with a question mark in my head over the logistics, only to find that, once we could interact personally with the host committee, everything always worked out and a good time was had by all!

    What did you enjoy most and what did you find most difficult during your time on the EB?
    I thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie among the WSAVA leadership team. It was really special when we met at Congress and could celebrate hard work and success.

    Walt_Rio (2)

    Walt_Asia 2011 (3)

    Walt_Asia 2011

    My time as Honorary Secretary was tough, not because I didn’t enjoy the work but because the WSAVA was evolving and growing so quickly. This made the Secretary role a huge responsibility at a time when we had no Secretariat and, as a volunteer, I struggled to manage the 20-25 hours on top of a 60-hour week ‘real job.’ But I survived, got to do it with June, and truly believe we made a difference.

    What WSAVA activity during your tenure are you most proud of?
    I am proud of the WSAVA having found its voice on the world stage, leading through our Guidelines Committees, but also by addressing issues of global concern. I am proud of the work we have done to increase access and availability to veterinary therapeutics, including position statements and the ketamine campaign and petition, all of which have been endorsed by a multitude of stakeholders. This work led to the publication of the first list of essential veterinary medicines created by our Therapeutic Guidelines Group. You can read it here


    What is your message to WSAVA members?
    We are a vibrant, dynamic and growing global community, adding new members every year so we must be doing something right! Please be an active member – your engagement is not just welcome, but expected. Join us as we move towards embracing the goal of an engaged global community by talking with community colleagues – whether regionally, nationally or internationally.

    The WSAVA leadership is receptive to all input – so let’s talk! And don’t be strangers – if you are ever in Toronto, please let me know and, COVID-permitting, we can revisit our WSAVA memories. In the meantime, wishing you all health and prosperity until we meet again …

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