Thai Veterinarian, Dr Siraya Chunekamrai, Elected WSAVA President


Congratulations to her, to our new Vice President, Dr Ellen van Nierop and to our two new Executive Board Members Dr John de Jong and Dr Jim Berry

At our annual assembly meeting, held online this year, Dr Siraya Chunekamrai was elected as the WSAVA’s new President. Dr Chunekamrai is a pioneer of veterinary practice in Thailand where she opened the country’s first equine surgery in 1996. She has a strong interest in self- and professional development and in helping WSAVA member associations in countries where companion animal practice is still emerging to raise standards of care. Dr Chunekamrai is familiar to many of us, having first joined the Executive Board as Honorary Secretary in 2012 and we congratulate her on her new role.

Dr Siraya Chunekamrai

Dr Ellen van Nierop was elected as Vice President. A Dutch veterinarian, she practices in Ecuador and is a former Honorary Treasurer. Dr Shane Ryan will serve for two further years as Past President. We are also delighted to welcome two new members to our Executive Board, Dr John de Jong, former president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, who will serve as Honorary Treasurer, having held the role for several months in an interim capacity, and Dr Jim Berry, formerly chair of the WSAVA’s Congress Steering Committee and a past president of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. Congratulations to all of them!

Dr Ellen van Nierop

Dr John de Jong

Dr Jim Berry

Siraya Chunekamrai says:

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]I am humbled and grateful to have been elected as the WSAVA’s first female president, a move that reflects the steps our community has taken to become much more representative of our profession globally.

Taking on this role in the ‘Pandemic Age’ is challenging but, while disruption is painful, it can highlight new opportunities and it’s inspiring to see our members around the world already making great strides in maintaining their veterinary communities virtually.

I will be leading efforts to increase our inclusivity and attract more volunteers to support our Committees and other activities. We have already made great progress in transforming ourselves into an ‘offline to online’ association and recently held this year’s Assembly Meeting successfully online. We’re now looking forward to our hybrid congress in in Warsaw in March. We’re expecting around 1,500 face-to-face delegates, the majority from Poland and other Eastern European countries, but the option that we now have with the digital platform that forms part of the hybrid model presents an amazing opportunity for us to connect our community in a way never before possible!

While we will reinstate our face-to-face activities as soon as we can do so safely, it’s exciting to see the new ways in which we are already supporting our members virtually and providing leadership, support and education to companion animal veterinarians wherever they are in practice. I’m really looking forward to my presidency and to supporting the rapid growth and development of our amazing global veterinary community. If you’re not involved yet, you should be![/blockquote]

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