Recipient of the GPC’s ‘Teach the teacher’ Scholarship for a veterinary technician/nurse announced


Congratulations to Sandra Félix from Portugal!

Veterinary nurse Sandra Félix is the successful candidate for the GPC Teach the Teacher competition for veterinary technicians/nurses. When travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are eased, she will go to North Carolina State University and Comparative Pain Research and Education Centre and Integrated Pain Management Service, USA, to be tutored by GPC Committee Chair, Dr Duncan Lascelles in Phase One of the Scholarship.

Sandra qualified as a small animal veterinary nurse in her native Portugal, writing a final report on pain management and palliative care in small animals. She worked initially in a private small animal practice and later at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Lisbon before moving to Germany to work in a referral hospital to focus on patients in need of critical care. She has recently achieved the Vets Now Certificate of Veterinary Nursing in Emergency and Critical Care.

Sandra Felix
Sandra Félix
I have always had a strong interest in pain management and believe that veterinary nurses should understand its mechanisms fully in order to better advocate for our patients. When I read about the WSAVA Teach the Teachers Scholarship, I knew it was something I would like to apply for, not only for the once in a lifetime opportunity to learn with some of the most renowned veterinary pain specialists, but also because it would give me the chance to share the acquired knowledge with my fellow veterinary nurses in Portugal, contributing for the progress of the profession in our country.

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When I heard I had been selected, I felt happy and honored to be the first veterinary nurse to receive it, and to have the chance to develop my knowledge about pain. I am looking forward to the privilege of working with Dr Lascelles and his team and, of course, to putting my teaching plan into action and teaching as many Portuguese veterinary nurses on my return.[/blockquote]

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