Meet the Global Pain Council


Meet the team

The Chair of the GPC is Dr Duncan Lascelles BSc, BVSC, PhD, MRCVS, CertVA, DSAS(ST), Diplomate ECVS, Diplomate ACVS.

Duncan Lascelles graduated from the University of Bristol, UK, and has devoted his entire research career to better understanding how to measure and treat pain in companion animals. He is Professor in Small Animal Surgery and Pain Management at North Carolina State University, USA, Director of the Comparative Pain Research and Education Centre and an Associate Director of the Comparative Medicine Institute.

Duncan Lascelles_GPC Chair

Dr Duncan Lascelles

The other members of the HDC are

Dr Peter Kronen
Dr Beatriz Monteiro
Dr Jo Murrell
Dr Sheilah A Robertson
Dr Paulo Steagall
Dr Bonnie Wright

Executive Board member Dr Jim Berry is the Committee’s Executive Liaison

Dr Kazu Yamasita joined the GPC at its creation in 2011 and has just recently stood down. We thank him for his important contribution during this time and wish him well for the future.

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