WSAVA Interview – Merel Knoops


Veterinary students are the future of our profession and we’re delighted to have the International Veterinary Students’ Association as a WSAVA member. President Merel Knoops tells us how its members are coping during the pandemic:

Merel Knoops_IVSA President
Merel Knoops
President of the International Veterinary Students’ Association

Could you introduce yourself to our members?
I’m a 22-year-old veterinary student at Ghent University in Belgium, originally from the Netherlands. I’m also the President of the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA). In my spare time, I like to travel, hang out with friends and go horse-riding. I’ve also spent the last couple of years in multiple different student association boards. I’m always keeping busy!


Do you have any thoughts yet on your career once you have qualified?
I would love to combine working as a practicing companion animal vet with working in the organisational and international side of veterinary medicine. My ultimate goal is to have an impact on raising standards of veterinary medicine worldwide, so that’s definitely what my career will revolve around.

Could you introduce IVSA to our members?
IVSA is the largest veterinary student organization in the world and a member of the WSAVA. We have a just under 40,000 members from 73 countries. IVSA’s mission, in short, is “to benefit the animals and humans of the world”, which is something we do by advocating topics close to our heart, such as Animal Welfare, One Health, Veterinary Education, Career Opportunities, and Mental Health.

IVSA Congress 2019 Zagreb

IVSA Congress in Zagreb, Croatia

What attracted you to get involved with IVSA?
From a young age, my two biggest passions have been being around animals and learning about new cultures. IVSA fuses these together, making it a perfect fit for me! After attending my first IVSA Congress, it simply evolved into an addiction. Fast forward two years, and here I am, as President.

Obviously, your presidential term is being affected by COVID-19. How are you finding it so far?
I’d be lying if I said it was all I hoped for it to be. Sadly, I’m missing out on many travel and networking opportunities that I would have loved to get to kickstart my international career. However, I’ve learned to accept that there’s nothing I can do to change it and I’m simply enjoying everything I do get to experience this year. Always looking on the bright side is key, now more than ever!

How is the pandemic affecting IVSA members?
It definitely hasn’t been easy on vet students. Our mental health wasn’t that great to begin with, and the pandemic hasn’t helped. By now, everyone’s simply tired of online classes, the lack of practical training and we all just want to hug our friends again. However, I’d like to end on a positive note: vet students have shown to be extremely resilient. We’ve learned to adapt, and we’re continuing to stay strong!

How is IVSA supporting them?
IVSA is definitely working hard to provide educational alternatives and fun activities for everyone. Our Committees are going above and beyond to create opportunities for them, albeit online. Some great examples are: training on finding your motivation; a conference on Stress Management; a debate on the breeding of brachycephalic dogs, and a Global AMR Youth Summit. We’re hoping to help our members through these challenging times by organizing these activities, but also through simply being there to provide a network full of like-minded people.

Why do you believe the relationship between the WSAVA and IVSA is so important?
IVSA is an organization filled with young, ambitious and motivated individuals. WSAVA is filled with very similar people, except they’ve already graduated. Students who are active at an international level at such a young age will be, without a doubt, future leaders in veterinary medicine! The strong partnership between both organizations provides opportunities for students to become familiar with WSAVA, laying down a path for them to get involved with the WSAVA as veterinarians later on in life.


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