Could you serve the WSAVA as a member of its Executive Board?


Nominations are now open for a new Board Member

The WSAVA’s Executive Board is looking for a new Member so, if you would like to play a key role in shaping our global veterinary community, now’s the time to step up!

Could you serve the WSAVA as a member of its Executive Board?
July 2019; former and current EB members

The Executive Board is responsible for the oversight of the association and for the delivery of its strategic plan. It is made up of volunteer veterinarians from WSAVA member associations, who fulfil the following roles for a two-year term:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Past President
  • Board Members (2)

The Board reports to the WSAVA General Assembly and works closely with the Secretariat, which is responsible for delivering the agreed strategy and the day-to-day running of the association. Membership of the WSAVA Executive Board is a demanding role but one that gives you a unique opportunity to influence the development of the veterinary profession globally as WSAVA Vice President Dr Ellen van Nierop explains:

Could you serve the WSAVA as a member of its Executive Board?
Dr Ellen van Nierop
WSAVA Vice President
Being a WSAVA Board member enables you to help make the world a better place for companion animals and veterinarians by taking part directly in the leadership of the association with global reference. The Board is the place where all the pieces of the puzzle come together and you see the bigger picture. You carry a great responsibility for communication, both from and to the WSAVA Board, but the load is made lighter by our absolute wish to be less top down and more inclusive every step of the way.

Find out more
The deadline to submit a nomination is August 14, 2021.

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