OHC plans ‘zoonosis app’


Giving physicians and veterinarians instant access to information on zoonotic agents

One of the goals of the OHC is to enhance the distribution of accurate information about small companion animal zoonotic agents to both physicians and veterinarians. It is now working on plans to build a smart phone app for use by physicians and veterinarians, giving them relevant information about the most common zoonotic agents at their fingertips. This program will be developed in parallel with the Zoonoses Guidelines with the app targeted for launch during 2022.

Dr Lappin says:

Feature image_Zoonosis app

It is impossible for primary care physicians and veterinarians to be experts in all the areas needed to provide excellent patient care. By providing accurate information, bedside, we hope that the physician, veterinarian, and family members can collaborate an optimal plan to optimize the benefit of pet ownership as well as mitigating risks as effectively as possible.
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