Introducing the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee (GNC)


The Global Nutrition Committee (GNC) is one of the WSAVA’s most long-standing committees.  It aims to help the veterinary healthcare team and pet owners understand the importance of nutrition in companion animal health by providing an expert source of accurate nutritional information and recommendations.

The GNC’s Co-chairs are Dr Marge Chandler and Dr Cecillia Villaverde.  The Committee’s members are based around the world and hold different roles within the profession. They lecture and publish widely on all aspects of nutrition for companion animals.

During 2023, the GNC has been working to promote the use of the GNC Toolkit and the nutritional assessment modules to all member of the veterinary healthcare team, including veterinary nurses/techs and veterinary students.  Committee members gave presentations, both online and in person, to members of a wide range of veterinary associations and universities during the year to help them achieve their goal. During 2024, the GNC will be adding new tools to the Toolkit and updating some of the existing resources.  Committee members will also be reaching out to breeders, rescues and shelters and pet owners with relevant educational information.

Check out the WSAVA Global Nutrition Guidelines created by the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee (GNC), together with the regularly updated Global Nutrition Toolkit! Both are available in a range of languages and free to download

You can also work through these online nutritional assessment modules, created by the GNC, based on the Global Nutrition Guidelines. They are available for free on the WSAVA Academy and are offered in a range of languages. We thank WSAVA Diamond Partner the Purina Institute for its support in the development of these modules.

Check out the ‘Selecting a pet food’ tool. It explains the most useful advice to be found on pet food labels and highlights the importance of the manufacturer providing contact details for follow up questions

A new infographic created to illustrate the potential risks of the use of raw foods in pet diets.

Marge Chandler
Dr Marge Chandler
Co-Chair of the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee

Dr Cecilia Villaverde
Co-Chair of the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee

Find out more about the members of the GNC  here:

The work of the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee is generously supported by:

  • Hill’s Pet Nutrition
  • The Purina Institute
  • Royal Canin

Note:  The WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee offers expert, evidence-based nutritional information for companion animals to support the veterinary healthcare team. The Committee does not endorse, approve, recommend or support specific products or companies.

Introducing the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee (GNC)

Hill’s_Logo (2017)


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