The WSAVA is always close to their hearts …


Past Presidents enjoy a pre-congress catch up!

WSAVA Past Presidents maintain strong links with the association – and with each other – as they continue to support us and follow our work. Some of them got together just before #WSAVA2021 for a zoom meet up, which was enjoyed by all.

Dr Gabriel Varga, WSAVA President 2002-2004, comments: “We’re always keen to update each other on what we’ve been doing personally and to discuss progress with the WSAVA.

We’re all excited at the growth and positive progress at the WSAVA, which we all hold in great esteem. We congratulate the WSAVA leadership team on steering our global community forward, particularly during such a difficult two years, and we are always on hand to help if we can.
This is the author

The image shows (left to right):

Dr Brian Romberg (2006-2008); Dr Gabriel Varga; Dr Colin Burrows (2013-2016)

David Wadsworth (2008-2010); Dr Jolle Kirpensteijn (2010-2013); Dr Walt Ingwersen (2016-2018)

Past Presidents

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