Meet Serinmary Pulikkottil Rejimon


Serin is in her fifth year of studying veterinary medicine at Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in India. She is a member of the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) and an advocate of One Health. She is also the WSAVA’s first intern!

Serinmary WSAVA Intern 1
Serinmary Pulikkottil Rejimon

Why were you attracted to joining the WSAVA as an intern?
During my first few years of veterinary education, I had seen photos of WSAVA congresses and wondered what they would be like. When I joined IVSA, I knew that I wanted to contribute to international veterinary medicine and hopefully work for a major organization in the future. When WSAVA called for its first intern, I was thrilled to apply. During the interview, I knew it was the right place for me.


You are currently working with the One Health Committee (OHC) and the Therapeutics Guidelines Group (TGG). Could you tell us a little bit about how you are getting involved?
The major project I have completed so far was reviewing the annual reports from the WSAVA’s member associations. I was astonished by the amount of work done by veterinary associations worldwide even amidst a pandemic. With the TGG, I am working on a survey about antimicrobial usage in small animal practice. It’s in the preliminary stages. With OHC, I am hoping to work with Dr Michael Lappin on the Committee’s planned Guidelines for zoonotic diseases.

How are you finding your role as WSAVA intern?
The best part is getting to meet such amazing people from all across the world. They are very kind and always ready to answer any question I have. I was excited to work with both TGG and OHC since Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health are areas in which I want to work in the future. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I get to work with experts in these fields.

You’re also studying and a busy member of IVSA – how are you managing to balance all the demands on your time?
I am currently working as the Policy Officer for the Standing Committee on Veterinary Education at IVSA. WSAVA and IVSA are similar in many ways but working with professionals before finishing vet school is something I didn’t anticipate – but I am enjoying every minute. I use google calendar to track the work I have to do and to make sure that meetings are not missed. During the fifth year, we don’t have weekends off, so it can get a bit hectic. I also use a physical planner to keep everything up to date – something Emma van Rooijen showed me.

Serinmary Interview

Meet Serinmary Pulikkottil Rejimon

What do you hope to achieve during the remainder of your internship?
I hope to work with OHC and TGG more, perhaps attend their committee meetings. I also hope to play a part in any research done by the WSAVA in the future.

Do you have any thoughts yet as to your future career once you have qualified?
I have always dreamt of being a scientist – and veterinarians make the best scientists. I hope to go overseas for a graduate education in infectious disease research and work for a major international organization afterwards.

What do you like to do outside work and study to relax?

I love to read and write during my free time. I enjoy everything from poetry to non-fiction. I also love to travel to places with amazing architecture (and beaches!) Since I can’t travel to my dream destinations at the moment, I watch a lot of travel videos on YouTube.

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