Meet Dr Juanjo Krauss, member of the WSAVA Global Dental Committee

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A long-term WSAVA and AVEACA member from Argentina

Could you introduce yourself to WSAVA members?

I graduated from the University of Buenos Aires in 1990 and, for 30 years, I have dedicated my career exclusively to veterinary dentistry. I practice at my dental clinic in Buenos Aires and also teach and lecture inside and outside Argentina. I have participated in the dissemination of knowledge about veterinary dentistry throughout Latin America.

How long have you been involved with the WSAVA?

Officially I have been involved in WSAVA since 2016 when I became the Regional Member Advocate for Latin America but I have actually been involved in one way or another since 2007.


What do you most enjoy about being active within the WSAVA?

I enjoy the opportunity to spend time with colleagues from all over the world and to work on projects to improve the profession at a global level.

Why did you choose to specialize in dentistry?

I chose to specialize in dentistry because I realized that there was an empty space within the profession – and that empty space was dentistry. I have a real passion for it so enjoy working exclusively in this area.  There is still little training on dentistry in many countries and much to be done to support the growth of understanding and best practice.


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Are you seeing improvements in the understanding of the importance of dentistry in Latin America?

Yes, I see improvements in many countries with more advanced courses and training now available.  Things are getting better but there is still a long way to go.

What key challenges still need to be overcome?

The key challenge is the incorporation of dentistry into the curricula of veterinary faculties and schools. Then, veterinary professionals and owners need to recognize the importance of oral health as a medical issue to be treated seriously.

What does the Global Dental Committee have planned for 2022?

We plan to continue with the global dissemination of the specialty through courses and talks aimed at clinicians.  We are also keen to encourage more colleagues to specialize in this area.

Tell us something about you that may surprise us.

I enjoy music and singing. I also love to cook all kinds of food. But the most important thing is to enjoy life!

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