Meet comparative monogastric nutritionist Dr Jill Cline


Dr Cline is Scientific Affairs Manager at WSAVA Silver Partner, Royal Canin

Could you briefly summarize your career? 

I am a comparative monogastric nutritionist by training, which means I understand and can compare the different nutritional needs of single stomach mammals.

I have held many roles in the pet industry during the last 25 years – including lecturing internationally on nutrition in sick pets, aging pets and working dogs and driving skin and coat innovation. I’ve published papers on topics from calcium metabolism in companion animals to kennel husbandry to formulating diets and, most recently, I managed Royal Canin’s North American pet care . 

What does your role at Royal Canin involve?

The Scientific Affairs team is responsible for creating mutual beneficial relationships with industry organizations and leaders to help improve the health and well-being of companion animals and of the people who take care of them around the world.

What do you find most rewarding about your work? 

Perhaps it sounds naïve, but companion animals are still at the heart of everything I do. Working to improve their lives is the most rewarding part of my job.  I find equally engaging creating the relationships and liaisons between others which lead to better care for these animals, which, in turn, make the world a better place.

Royal Canin is a long-standing Partner of the WSAVA’s Global Nutrition Committee. Why does it see involvement with the WSAVA as important?

The WSAVA is an incredibly influential organization, which provides veterinarians with balanced, scientifically-valid information to help them make the best decisions possible for their clients and patients.  Our role as an industry leader is to help support organizations which provide tools and policies to help practitioners to be better veterinarians every day.

What do you see as the opportunities and challenges for veterinarians in advising their clients on optimal nutrition for their pets?

Time!  There is never enough time for veterinary professionals to learn about the ever-evolving technological advancements in nutrition, nor is there enough time in the average client visit to have a meaningful conversation about nutrition.  However, in countries where pet obesity is continuing to increase or in countries where access to complete and balanced diets is at risk, these conversations are becoming critical.

What do enjoy in your leisure time?

I like adventure travel LOTS.  And I love to discover out of the way pockets of culture and food in every country I visit.  I enjoy hiking, kayaking and biking – all with the dogs!

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