AVEACA Member Launches Disaster Veterinary Network of Argentina


An initiative to ensure animals caught up in natural disasters receive rapid access to veterinary care

A network of veterinary volunteers offering care for animals caught up in natural disasters in Argentina has been launched by Dr Adriana Noacco, Dr Guillermina Manigot and Dr Sandra Ierino, veterinarians from Argentina and members of WSAVA member association AVEACA. 

Called the Disaster Veterinary Network of Argentina, it is training veterinarians across the country, together with individuals from other professions, including engineers, firefighters, lawyers and psychologists, in order to reduce the negative impact of natural disasters on animals by providing appropriate veterinary and logistical support. Its services were called on during February 2022 when wildfires destroyed almost 15% of the forests in the Corrientes province of Argentina, killing thousands of animals.

This year, members of the Network have started engaging with colleagues in other Latin American countries, offering support in the event of landslides, floods, earthquakes and risk management, based on international recommendations such as the Sendai Framework and UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.  Fundraising to secure the service for the future has also been initiated.

Dr Noacco says: “Creating a veterinary network has facilitated the building of relationships and learning within a common space, in which our volunteer veterinarians are working closely with other professions to develop tools and a framework of response strategies for natural disasters. While our efforts are focused in Latin America, we encourage colleagues in other countries to set up similar groups and we are happy to share what we have learned. Perhaps one day, there will be a WSAVA Disaster Management Committee!”

WSAVA President Dr Siraya Chunekamrai says: “With natural disasters occurring more frequently, having the knowledge and organizational framework in place to enable rapid and effective deployment of veterinary teams will significantly improve the outcome for many animals caught up in these events.  We congratulate members of the Disaster Veterinary Network of Argentina for this initiative and encourage our members consider whether their region could also benefit from a similar group.”

Visit the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/860789434421846

Contact Dr Noacca at animalesencatastrofes@gmail.com 

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