Raising standards of shelter medicine in Peru


<>Joint AWWC-ASF workshop spurs lively discussions and practical solutions

Following WSAVA World Congress in Lima, in October 2022, the WSAVA’s Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC) teamed up with Peru-based organization Animalistas sin Fronteras (ASF), for a two-day workshop on shelter medicine.

The first day took place at the Veterinary Medical College of Perú, with AWWC Chair, Dr Natasha Lee and AWWC member Dr Katherine Polak giving a series of lectures on the principles of animal welfare and shelter medicine.  It was attended by veterinarians, students, and shelter staff, who participated in a lively discussion at the end.

On the second day, delegates regrouped at a local dog shelter, Hogar de Tiwi, in Chilca. Discussions took place to embed the learnings from the first day before the owner of the shelter gave an overview of how it was managed.

Dr Nat Lee says: “The delegates enjoyed brainstorming and exchanging ideas as to how to address problems typically found in shelters.  Lots of really good ideas in terms of the best design for shelters and how to offer good quality facilities were put forward.  We also discussed how to create dog profiles to encourage adoption and how to get local communities involved. We spent a very rewarding two days running the workshop, encouraged by the lovely dogs in the shelter!”

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