WSAVA Oncology Committee (WOC) Seeks an Additional Member Representing Anatomic/Clinical Pathology

As the skills and insight of a pathologist are integral to the work done by the WSAVA Oncology Committee, the WOC is seeking to add a Veterinary Pathologist with experience and expertise in oncologic pathology as a member.

About the WOC: 

Founded in 2020, the WSAVA Oncology Committee (WOC) has developed a:


To advance oncology care within the global veterinary community through education and awareness of effective and accessible treatments for pets with cancer. No owner should face cancer alone.


The WSAVA Oncology Committee aims to advance the field of veterinary oncology through education and collaboration and improve the lives of pets affected by cancer globally.


United Against Pet Cancer

Please visit the WOC homepage and resources page to view the committee’s products and projects.

Membership Skillset

  • The successful applicant will be a veterinary pathologist whose primary job function is oncologic pathology. The applicant must have a proven track record in oncologic pathology as demonstrated by training, publications, presentations and experience. Preference will be given to applicants holding board certification in clinical or anatomic pathology.
  • Current members are veterinary practitioners that are well distributed from regions of the world with a background related to small animal oncology (specialist and private practice).
  • Due to the global nature of the WSAVA and importance of oncology, it is recommended this committee consist of geographically and professionally diverse individuals interested in oncology.
  • The membership will be reviewed yearly to ensure the members meet and comply with the terms of reference for this committee.


  • Attend and participate in face to face and virtual meetings
  • Respond to electronic communications in a timely manner
  • Ability and willingness to participate in effective and collegial committee interactions
  • Have a special interest and understanding of veterinary and comparative oncology
  • Ability and willingness to communicate as a speaker/presenter of such WOC sanctioned information as needed.
  • Participate in WOC projects.
  • Strive to attend the WSAVA Congress
  • Adhere to the WSAVA values and Code of Conduct
  • Show evidence of ongoing engagement with committee functions

Time Commitment

The tenure of a committee member is a maximum of 3 year, with one extension possible. Estimated time involvement for most members is 2 to 3 hours a month.

Renumeration for this role

All WSAVA committee members including the chairperson are volunteers. However, reasonable expenses occurred whilst carrying out WSAVA duties will be reimbursed, in accordance with our travel and expenses policy.

Applicant process must provide the full documentation required below, in English, via this dedicated application link:


Applications should be submitted before July 4, 2024

*All nominees for membership of any WSAVA committee/group are required to provide a letter of Good Standing from the WSAVA member organisation of which they are a member. This requirement does not  apply to nominees who are not members of a WSAVA organisation (e.g. non-veterinarians) whose expertise may be necessary for specialist committees/groups. A person of Good Standing is defined as someone who has complied with all explicit obligations of the association and who is not subject to any form of sanction, suspension or disciplinary censure. This letter is not a recommendation from the association that the nominee is the best person for the position. WSAVA committee positions are not chosen by member organisations – the Committee Chair ultimately decides on the best candidate for the position and the choice is ratified by the Leadership and Nominations Committee and the Executive Board. This letter indicates only that the WSAVA member association has no objection to the nomination.

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