Save the date for our 2025 Congress!

Our 2025 Congress will be our 50th WSAVA Congress and we are thrilled to be holding it in Latin America’s largest country!

Last week we travelled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to visit the venues for our 50th Anniversary Congress which will be held from 25 to 27 September, 2025. Our congress will be delivered in partnership with Anclivepa (Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais) and FIAVAC (Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones Veterinarias de Animales de Compañía).

We also visited Anclivepa’s Annual Congress in Belo Horizonte to enter into the spirit of how events are hosted in Brazil. The 3-day congress was attended by over 6.000 vets and veterinary students from Brazil as well as colleagues from several Latam countries.

We look forward to seeing you all in our 50th WSAVA Congress in Brazil!

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2024 Congress

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Early Bird Registration extended to 31 May.

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We are only able to respond to inquiries form veterinary professionals. We encourage pet owners to contact a local veterinarian.