WSAVA Financial Advisory Committee is Looking For a New Chair

Chairpersons of WSAVA committees play a critical role in the success of their committee and of the WSAVA.

About the Financial Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Financial Advisory Committee (the “FAC”) is to assist the Executive Board in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities relating to financial planning and financial reporting by advising on these matters.

The FAC is a sub-committee of the Executive Board. The FAC is charged with monitoring the financial health of the WSAVA. It will have an opinion on how its assets are protected, its resources are used responsibly, and that the association complies with all applicable laws and reporting requirements.

For more information about the committee, please see the complete FAC’s Terms of Reference.

What the role involves:

Chairpersons of WSAVA committees play a critical role in the success of their committee and of the WSAVA. As a chairperson you will be responsible for the following types of tasks:

  • Chairing and leading regular meetings to discuss the running of the group and making sure decisions are made collectively.
  • Ensuring the committee has identified medium- to long-term goals related to their area of focus and have a plan for the positive impact they intend to have on the WSAVA community.
  • Work with the WSAVA Secretariat and Membership & Nomination Committee to recruit, induct and support volunteers in the committee, and manage any performance matters which may arise.
  • Keeping the WSAVA Secretariat informed of the group’s activities, such as contributing to the production of WSAVA’s mid-year and annual reports.
  • Submitting budget proposals for the committee’s work.
  • Making sure the committee reflects WSAVA’s values and all committee work is in line with WSAVA policy and process.
  • Provide updates on the committees work to relevant sponsors.
  • Attending the WSAVA World Congress and General Assembly, and other relevant internal/external events to act as ambassador for the work of your committee.
  • Participate in WSAVA’s Expanded Leadership Circle, which meets the day before the General Assembly at World Congress, and occasional online meetings up to twice a year.

Who this role might suit:

  • You should have an interest in the subject that the committee specializes in.
  • Due to the chairperson’s focus being to ensure the committee is planned, organized, and led effectively, it is not essential that you are an expert in the subject, but it would be beneficial.
  • You will be experienced in taking the lead in personal or professional settings and be comfortable with developing project plans and budgets.
  • Someone who enjoys managing small groups of people in the pursuit of producing tangible products and services for the veterinary community.
  • You need to be a great communicator and have good organizational and IT skills.
  • It would be very helpful if you were experienced and comfortable chairing online meetings as most of the committees’ work will be done online.
  • You should be good at motivating people and allowing them to have a say. 

Training for this role:

We provide all our committee chairs with training, so they feel confident in the role. Mandatory training for this role includes the WSAVA volunteer induction.

Remuneration for this role:

All WSAVA committee members including the chairperson are volunteers. However, reasonable expenses occurred whilst carrying out WSAVA duties will be reimbursed, in accordance with our travel and expenses policy.

Time commitment: The tenure of committee chairpersons is a maximum of three years. The average time required each month will be dependent on the committees’ activities, which may be more or less at certain periods of the year, or at times when the committee is actively working on project(s). Most committees will meet for one hour a month, in a virtual format. Committees may have one, sometimes two, face-to-face meetings per year. On average, you can expect to provide up to four hours of time to the role each month.

Applicant process must provide the full documentation required below, in English, via this dedicated application link:

*All nominees for membership of any WSAVA committee/group are required to provide a letter of Good Standing from the WSAVA member organization of which they are a member. This requirement does not apply to nominees who are not members of a WSAVA organization (e.g. non-veterinarians) whose expertise may be necessary for specialist committees/groups. A person of Good Standing is defined as someone who has complied with all explicit obligations of the association and who is not subject to any form of sanction, suspension or disciplinary censure. This letter is not a recommendation from the association that the nominee is the best person for the position. WSAVA committee positions are not chosen by member organizations – the Committee Chair ultimately decides on the best candidate for the position and the choice is ratified by the Membership and Nomination Committee and the Executive Board. This letter indicates only that the WSAVA member association has no objection to the nomination.

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