
Liver Disease

Executive Summary

The Liver Standardization Project created a global standard for the histological evaluation of liver tissues for liver diseases of dogs and cats, including unified nomenclature, well-defined histological diagnostic criteria, and precise definitions of chronicity stages and grades of disease.


Standards for Clinical and Histological Diagnosis of Canine and Feline Liver Diseases


  • Academy of Veterinary Dentistry (AVD)
  • All-Ukrainian Union of Veterinary Dentists (BCBC)
  • Asociacion de Veterinarios Espanoles Especialistas en Pequenos Animales (AVEPA)
  • Associacao Portugesa de Medicos Veterinarios Especialistas em Animais de Companhia (APMVEAC)
  • Bulgarian Association of Small Animal Veterinarians (BASAV)
  • Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA)
  • Companion Animal Veterinaries, New Zealand Veterinary Association (CVA)
  • Croatian Small Animal Veterinary Section (CSAVS)
  • Czech Small Animal Veterinary Association (CSAVA)
  • Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society(HCAVS)
  • Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society (HVMS)
  • International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM)
  • International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM)
  • Japanese Study Group of Veterinary Maxillofacial Oral Surgery
  • Kenyan Small and Companion Animal Veterinary Association (KESCAVA)
  • Lithuania Small Animal Veterinary Association (LSAVA)
  • Macedonian Small Animal Veterinary Association (MSAVA)
  • Montenegro Association of Small Animal Practitioners (MASAP)
  • Netherlands Association of Companion Animal Medicine (NACAM)
  • Norwegian Small Animal Vets Association (NSAVA)
  • Philippine Animal Hospital Association (PAHA)
  • Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association (PSAVA)
  • Slovene Small Animal Veterinary Association (SZVMZ)
  • Small Animal Veterinary Association Belgium- Flanders SAVAB -Flanders)
  • Spanish Veterinary Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery Society (SEOVE)
  • Swedish Veterinary Dental Association (SSDt)
  • Veterinary Association of Namibia (VAN)
  • Veterinary Ireland (VICAS)

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