
Reproduction Control

Executive Summary

The WSAVA guidelines for the control of reproduction in dogs and cats aim to help WSAVA members make science-based choices for the management of reproduction in their patients, while safeguarding animal welfare and supporting the human-companion animal bond. Included are discussions of current practice, together with explanations of newer approaches, both surgical and non-surgical.  They also explore the health benefits and drawbacks of each method and explore ethical questions. 

Download the complete Executive Summary.


WSAVA understands that the recently launched guidelines for the control of reproduction in dogs and cats has prompted discussions within many communities, and we would like to assure members of these communities that WSAVA is committed to providing open channels for feedback. Anyone wishing to provide feedback on the reproduction guidelines, or any other aspect of WSAVA’s work, is encouraged to send their thoughts to All feedback will be reviewed with a view to identifying common themes, and it is WSAVA’s wholehearted intention to respond to such themes in due course. 


Guidelines for the control of reproduction in dogs and cats

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