WSAVA Webinar Series sponsored by The Farmer's Dog


This Webinar Series is Supported by

Best Practices in the Veterinary Field

WSAVA is teaming up with The Farmer’s Dog to bring you the latest expert-led content – this time on best practices in the veterinary field. 

This webinar series has been designed in partnership with our Diamond Partner The Farmer’s Dog, drawing insights from the recent learning needs survey. The survey was conducted to gauge the learning requirements within the WSAVA community, and a prominent theme surfaced—enhancing knowledge and proficiency in diagnostic techniques in real-world veterinary practice. With this insight at its core, our webinar series is dedicated to addressing these crucial learning needs.

To find out more about the content and speaker for each webinar, and to register, follow the links below. If you cannot watch the webinar live, no need to worry. Register and you can view the webinar on-demand afterwards.

Innovative Revenue Strategies for Veterinary Hospitals

In this insightful webinar, we will explore how veterinary practices can enhance profitability by effectively managing costs and optimizing revenue streams. Profit, defined as the difference between the cost of delivering veterinary services and the revenue generated, hinges on understanding and controlling both variable costs (such as drugs and lab consumables) and fixed costs (including staff wages and facility expenses).

Alan Robinson MRCVS BVSc DMS

Navigating Tough Conversations in Veterinary Medicine: Lessons Beyond the Classroom

This webinar aims to equip veterinary professionals with effective communication strategies for handling challenging conversations both within the hospital staff and with clients. Enhancing these skills will improve team dynamics and client relationships, contributing to a more harmonious and effective work environment.

Dr. Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT

Protect Your Mental Health: Setting Personal Boundaries in Veterinary Medicine

In this lecture, we explore the crucial topic of personal and professional boundary management in veterinary practice. We’ll discuss how maintaining clear boundaries is essential for both personal well-being and professional integrity. We’ll cover strategies for setting limits with clients, managing time effectively, and balancing empathy with objectivity. Additionally, common challenges veterinarians face, such as dealing with emotional demands and preventing burnout will be addressed. By the end of this session, you’ll have more knowledge and information on how to create a healthier work-life balance and foster a respectful and productive environment for both staff and clients.

Dr Hameedunisha Tajudeen DVM MRCVS

Empowering Veterinary Technicians: Maximizing Patient Care through Nutrition Communications

Ashley Self (Cox), BS, LVMT, VTS (Nutrition)

Glycation End Products (AGEs) in Pet Food: Understanding the Impact on Nutrition and Health

Advanced glycation End Products (AGEs) are produced in the late stage of the Maillard Reaction when there is nonenzymatic reaction between a simple sugar and protein under high heat cooking conditions. The Maillard Reaction is desirable as it provides desirable aroma, flavour and texture to prepared food, but the method of cooking can contribute to a high dietary AGE content. Ongoing research suggests that there are numerous factors that interplay to affect the AGE content of both human and pet foods. The literature concerning the association of AGEs in differently processed pet foods with diseases in companion animals is sparse but growing. Preliminary research has quantified varied AGE content of pet foods manufactured by different processing methods. The goal is to continue investigation into the association of dietary AGE intake in companion animals with incidence and severity of disease with a goal to improve the health of veterinary patients by making modifications to diet as is practised in human medicine and nutrition.  

Siobhan Bridglalsingh, DVM, MHEd., PhD, DACVIM (Nutrition)

Exploring One Health: Comparative Analysis of Emerging and Existing Diseases in Humans and Dogs

One-health topics continue to be at the forefront of veterinary medicine. This webinar is about evaluating emerging and well-established disease prevalence across both humans and veterinary patients to determine possible causative relationships. Many variations of auto-immune diseases and neoplasias seem to be documented with increased frequency in our populations – is there an environmental link?

Dr Jane Sykes BVSc(Hons) PhD DACVIM

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We are only able to respond to inquiries form veterinary professionals. We encourage pet owners to contact a local veterinarian.