A big welcome to our new Educational Partner, BSAVA


Look out for news of our plans to increase the accessibility of digital learning to companion animal veterinarians globally.

The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), has been a great supporter of our work to provide continuing education (CE) in Africa so we are delighted that this relationship is now moving into a new phase.

WSAVA CE in Madagascar (2019)
This WSAVA CE session in Madagascar in 2019 was supported by BSAVA.

Dr Shane Ryan says:

[blockquote] Providing CE opportunities for our colleagues in areas where access may be difficult, cost-prohibitive or simply unavailable is fundamental to improving veterinary standards. We thank the BSAVA for its past support, and as we move into a new relationship as Educational Partners, we are eager to continue working together to increase the effectiveness and reach of the CE we provide to veterinarians around the world. [/blockquote]

Dr Krista Arnold, Chair of BSAVA’s International Committee, says:

[blockquote] The BSAVA is proud to join WSAVA as an Educational Partner and to make our learning resources accessible to those who may otherwise have limited access to continued education. We are also exploring other ways of working together to support the health and welfare of companion animals through improved veterinary care.[/blockquote]
[button title=”Read the full press release” link=”https://wsavaarchives.innate.digital/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/BSAVA-Becomes-Educational-Partner-of-WSAVA.pdf” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

The work of the WSAVA’s Continuing Education Committee is kindly supported by MSD Animal Health.

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