A message to WSAVA members from WSAVA President Dr Ellen van Nierop


<>Sending greetings and thanks as the Winter holiday season approaches.


As many of us approach the holiday season and our New Year, I would like to thank each one of you for allowing us to be a part of your life. WSAVA is only recognized as the voice of small animal veterinary professionals around the world because you, the veterinary professionals who read the Bulletin, are a part of this voice!  To those of you who implement our Global Guidelines, teach our them or help others to find them, thank you! You are actively advocating for better animal welfare in your actions.

2023 has been a very successful year, and with your help, 2024 will be even better as we grow and help more and more veterinary professionals reach the goal of caring for their patients and for themselves in the best possible way.  We have some amazing projects and plans in preparation so stay tuned for highlights, including the second module of our Pain Management Certificate; webinars on professional wellness, new oncology resources and much more. Also coming up in 2024 is a course to help those of you in association leadership to help your association to grow.

 Of course, I must also mention is WSAVA World Congress, taking place in Suzhou, China. We are so excited to bring our Congress to one of the world’s fastest growing veterinary markets, and to a country where our expertise is appreciated and highly sought after. We look forward to seeing you there from 3-5 September 2024!

In the meantime, I wish you all a peaceful time, good cheer and company of family and friends to share it with. May the start of 2024 be promising and positive in every way!



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