Annual General Assembly 2024: Important Information

Below you will find detailed information on the election timetable and quorum contingency plan, a timetable of key meetings and social events, and recommendations on what to do before you arrive in China.

View the outline General Assembly agenda here

1 SeptemberMeet & Greet Drinks Reception for General Assembly Attendees (evening)
2 SeptemberGeneral Assembly (all day)
3 SeptemberCongress Day 1
Welcome Reception (early evening)
4 SeptemberCongress Day 2
Congress Party (evening)
5 SeptemberCongress Day 3
Goodbye Drinks (early evening)
6 SeptemberExecutive Board and Secretariat Meeting, including those newly elected Executive Board
members (morning)

Due to the number of candidates standing for election and because some regions have more than one position available, some votes will need to be repeated several times. This is driven by the WSAVA bylaw that states if a candidate does not receive a majority of votes from the first ballot, the ballot shall be repeated less the candidate receiving the least votes, until a candidate is elected with a majority.

It is important for WSAVA to avoid not being able to carry out the elections in the event of no quorum at the General Assembly. As such, and so that elected individuals may commence their roles immediately following the General Assembly, this year we will be conducting the voting for elections online over a period of two weeks before the General Assembly. The online election timetable is as follows.

28 JuneOutline Agenda for General Assembly issued to Member Representatives.
5 AugustFull General Assembly Agenda issued to Member Representatives. This will
include details of candidates standing for election, including their nomination profiles.
13 AugustAn online meeting will take place and all election candidates will be present.
Member Representatives may attend and put forward questions to the candidates,
and there will be an opportunity for discussion without the candidates present.
14 AugustFirst round of voting will commence for the following:
– President-Elect 
– Treasurer 
– Asia Ordinary Board Member x1 
– Australasia, Europe, and North America Ordinary Board Member x2 
– Latin America and Caribbean Ordinary Board Member x1 
– North Africa and Middle East Ordinary Board Member x1 
– Sub-Saharan Africa Ordinary Board Member x1 

Voting will remain open for 48 hours.
17 AugustIf there is no majority winner a vote will be repeated less the candidate with the least
number of votes. The candidate with the least number of votes and any successful
candidate will be informed on this date.
18 AugustSecond round of voting will commence if needed for the following:
– Asia Ordinary Board Member x1
– Australasia, Europe, and North America Ordinary Board Member x2

Voting will remain open for 48 hours.
21 AugustIf there is no majority winner a vote will be repeated less the candidate with the
least number of votes. The candidate with the least number of votes and any
successful candidate will be informed on this date. 
22 AugustThird round of voting will commence if needed for the following: 
– Asia Ordinary Board Member x1 
– Australasia, Europe, and North America Ordinary Board Member x2 
Voting will remain open for 48 hours. 
25 AugustAll candidates and Member Representatives will be informed of the final results. 

Following the above timetable will mean that at the General Assembly in Suzhou, voting will only be for matters such as acceptance of minutes, approving member applications, etcetera. If we do not have a quorum at the General Assembly, we have the following contingency plan.  

The agenda will be discussion focused only. An audio recording of the meeting will be emailed to all member representatives within seven days, along with instructions on how to submit votes remotely. Voting will remain open for 48 hours. Once voting is closed, the results will be issued to members via a direct link to the results page. 

All election and approval votes will be conducted via Election Buddy.

In order to ease your travel and ensure a seamless experience, we have prepared a short arrivals guide for your journey to Shanghai. We aim to provide you with all the essential information you need, from visa requirements to local customs, transportation options, and beyond. Please review this carefully and note that some actions are recommended prior to departure from your origin country. As always, please reach out to Liat Geller at or whatsapp at +97258659765 for any questions or concerns.

Download the guidelines here.

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