Congratulations to more 2022 WSAVA Award Recipients!


Achievements in veterinary leadership and animal welfare recognized

We are delighted to announce that the recipients of two more 2022 WSAVA Awards have been announced:


WSAVA Future Leader Award

The awardee is Dr Muhammad Hasan Mahrous, an Egyptian veterinarian who qualified in 2018 and works at a veterinary clinic in Dubai. He has received the Award in recognition of his contribution to association building in his home country and to increasing access to continuing education (CE) for Egyptian veterinarians.

Dr Geeta Saini, Chair of the WSAVA Leadership and Nomination Committee, says: “Dr Mahrous’ work as a student to launch the Egyptian Chapter of IVSA has enriched the experience of all veterinary students in Egypt as they are able to participate in the meetings, exchanges and other educational opportunities offered by IVSA to its members.  He should also be very proud of the creation of ESAVA which is helping companion animal veterinarians in Egypt to work together to develop the profession and we are delighted to have welcomed them into the WSAVA family.”

This Award is kindly supported by WSAVA Diamond Partner, The Purina Institute.

Read the full press release


WSAVA Award for Companion Animal Welfare

The awardee is Dr Silvina Muñiz, an Argentinian veterinarian, who uses mass media to educate owners about responsible pet ownership and who campaigns on animal welfare issues.

Dr Cheryl Good, member of the WSAVA’s Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC), says:  “All of the nominees were worthy candidates which made our decision very difficult, but we were delighted to make the award to Dr Muñiz in recognition of her commitment to using a wide range of media to promote animal welfare and educate the public about ownership and animal health. Her utter determination to raise standards of animal welfare in homes, in communities and amongst her peers is clear and she works very hard to achieve her goal. Congratulations to Dr Silvina Muñiz!”

Read the full press release

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