Did you know there’s a free global service to help you analyze urinary stones?


The Minnesota Urolith (MUC) is working to ensure that ‘no stone is left unturned’

Thanks to a partnership with WSAVA Gold Partner Hill’s Pet Nutrition and donations from veterinarians and pet parents, the MUC offers a free stone analysis service to veterinarians globally to help you identify stones and manage your patients.


Commenting on the service MUC Co-Director Professor Jody Lulich says: [blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”] Hill’s Pet Nutrition, the veterinary profession and the MUC share a common mission to enhance the quality and quantity of life of all creatures great and small. We are passionate about working together with good people who care.

Professor Jdy Lulich

Professor Jody Lulich

Hill’s has recently created resources to offer guidance to the veterinary healthcare team regarding the service offered by the MUC. An example is the new MUC smart phone app, which enables veterinarians to input patient data and receive an instant prediction as to most likely stone type while they are still with the client in the consulting room.

[button title=”Access the MUC analysis service and the veterinary healthcare team resources” link=”urolith.org” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

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