Does your practice meet the standards of the AWWC’s Animal Welfare Charter?


Remember: there is more to animal welfare than decreasing the negative experiences they suffer!

Following the creation of its Global Guidelines for Animal Welfare, the AWWC created an Animal Welfare Charter as a declaration of our members’ deeply-held commitment to animal welfare.

WSAVA Animal Welfare Charter (draft with previous cover)

The Charter confirms that companion animals are sentient beings and it reminds us all that animal welfare is much more than simply decreasing the negative experiences they suffer. We should also work proactively to promoting positive experience for them. For example, we should encourage owners to avoid the use of punishment when training dogs and to focus instead on positive reinforcement techniques, for instance, treats, praise and play.

AWWC Chair, Dr Natasha Lee says:

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]We call on WSAVA members – both veterinary associations and individual practitioners – to adopt our Charter or adapt it for their own use so that we can work together to achieve our common vision that all companion animals worldwide receive the veterinary care that ensures their optimal health and welfare.

Review the Animal Welfare Charter

The AWWC’s Global Guidelines are one of the WSAVA’s most frequently accessed resources. They have been downloaded more than 6,000 times from the Journal of Small Animal Practice since they were published in 2019. A further 9,989 visits have been made to the Animal Welfare Guidelines page on our website during the last year.

We’re delighted that more than 2,000 individuals have also downloaded them from ResearchGate, a professional network used by more than 20 million scientists and researchers around the world. If you’ve not reviewed them yet, you’re missing out.

Find them here


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