FECAVA and WSAVA highlight the importance of veterinary collegiality


Joint guidelines set out how veterinary professionals should conduct themselves amongh their peers

The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and WSAVA have collaborated on the creation of a set of guidelines outlining how veterinary professionals should conduct themselves among their peers.

Called ‘Global Principles of Veterinary Collegiality’, the document springs from discussions held during a VIP Summit at #WSAVA2019. Veterinary leaders from around the world expressed concern at the additional stress caused to veterinarians by poor communication and collegiality within teams and among colleagues. They highlighted the additional pressures that this was placing on members of a profession already challenged by well-being and mental health issues.

While some country veterinary associations already have a Code of Conduct, many do not and FECAVA and WSAVA hope that this initiative will help all of their member associations to commit to a common standard of behavior in order to support the profession as it works to achieve the ideals of patient care as set out in the WSAVA Veterinary Oath.

Global Principles of Veterinar Collegiality_WSAVA and FECAVA 1

Read the joint guidelines now!


FECAVA and WSAVA highlight the importance of veterinary collegiality
Dr Wolfgang Dohne
FECAVA Senior Vice President
Poor collegiality and communication add to stress and frustration among veterinary professionals and hold back veterinary teams. Mutual respect, courtesy and support of especially junior team members, together with good communication, results not only in a better working environment, but also in better clinical outcomes. It improves animal welfare and encourages the concept of life-long learning. These goals are at the heart of FECAVA and its national member organizations and we are proud to be co-signatories of this document.

Dr Shane Ryan
WSAVA Immediate Past President
The mental and emotional well-being of the entire veterinary team and, consequently, our ability to ensure the health and welfare of our animal patients, can only be enhanced by practicing in a harmonious, collegial environment. The principles outlined in the document allow for courteous and respectful interaction with our fellow veterinarians to encourage a more productive and welcoming workplace. Strengthening collegiality is an important element of the WSAVA’s strategy to advocate for the profession globally to bring about positive change.

Review the document here

It is also available on FECAVA’s website here



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