First WSAVA Michael J. Day Scholar Announced

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Selected project to examine canine tick-borne diseases in Nepal

Somnath Aryal

Nepalese veterinary student Somnath Aryal is the first recipient of the WSAVA Michael J. Day Scholarship. He will receive a grant of US$15,000 to support his research, which aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment of canine tick-borne diseases in Nepal.

The WSAVA Michael J. Day Scholarship provides financial assistance to support research into an aspect of small companion animal infectious disease, clinical vaccinology or immunology. It was created to recognize Emeritus Professor Michael Day’s contribution to vaccinology and immunology in companion animals in his role as Chair of the WSAVA’s Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) from 2009 until March 2020. The Scholarship is generously supported by MSD Animal Health.

Somnath Aryal says: “Most cases of canine tick-borne infections in Nepalese veterinary clinics are misdiagnosed because of a lack of epidemiological information and adequate diagnostic tools. This study will investigate the prevalence of the major tick-borne diseases in stray and pet dogs in Nepal in order to fill this gap.”

Stay tuned for guidance on the Scholarship application process for 2023!

Read the full press release



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