Global Pain Council Scholar Gives an Update

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First recipient of Global Pain Council Scholarship, Dr Nathanael (Nathan) Lutevele from Tanzania, gets to grips with pain management at the Université de Montréal, Canada

Dr Nathan Lutevele was awarded the Scholarship in 2020 but, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, has only recently been able to undertake his studies, under the supervision of Global Pain Council member Dr Paulo Steagall.

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Nathan with Paulo

He says:

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This opportunity has really changed my perspective on pain management. I am gaining a deeper understanding about pain physiology, the assessment of chronic and acute pain and how to intervene in order to prevent and reduce pain in animals.

The knowledge which I am gaining will be disseminated to my fellow veterinarians once I return home to Tanzania, benefiting society and positively impacting animal health and welfare.

In terms of my personal career development, I have been privileged to network with experts in the area of pain management from different parts of the world during my time here, especially members of the WSAVA Global Pain Council. I extend my sincere gratitude to them and to the team at the Université de Montréal for their contribution to my training since my arrival.

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Dr Beatriz Monteiro, another GPC member working at the Université de Montréal, says:

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]We are very happy to have Nathan here with us. He has enriched our team and is an enthusiastic learner!
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The GPC scholarship is part of its ‘Teach the Teachers’ initiative which aims to create a global network of key opinion leader (KOLs) – ‘teachers’ – in pain management, who are motivated to propagate and disseminate their knowledge within their regions.

Nathan Lutevele graduated from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania in 2018 and worked as a small animal general practitioner in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, for six months. He is currently a tutor at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Dar es salaam. He is an active member of WSAVA member association Tanzania Small Animal Veterinary Organization (TASAVO).

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