HDC Committee Member Profile: Dr Åke Hedhammar

Could you introduce yourself to our members?

I am semi-retired professor of small animal internal medicine having had the pleasure to combine clinical duties and research and to serve on academic, as well as professional organisations such as the WSAVA for almost half a century.

What is your ‘day job?’

I serve as a ‘senior advisor’ to my former post-doctoral students and graduate students.

You’ve been a leader in discussions about the threat to animal health and welfare from BOAS – what spurred your interest in this area?

In my former long-term role as veterinary consultant to the Swedish Kennel Club, I crusaded against exaggerated anatomical features, which result in health issues such as BOAS. I have continued to focus on this area since then.

It’s a hugely complex issue of course – do you see any signs of progress or that the message is getting across?

I think we are starting to raise awareness and gain attention – but we’re not yet seeing this translate into positive results.  There is more work to be done!

Why did you want to join the WSAVA Hereditary Disease Committee?

I was offered the opportunity a long time ago by a former WSAVA president Dr Saki Paatsaama and I’m delighted to still be involved. Our current work to highlight the link between clinical genetics and animal welfare is of great benefit to the health of companion animals.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work to relax?

We have a summer house in the Stockholm Archipelago where I love to spend my spare time.

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