Introducing the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC)

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Working to ensure that all companion animals worldwide receive veterinary care that ensures their optimal health and welfare

The AWWC aims to ensure that welfare issues are always prioritized by small animal practitioners and that the WSAVA is a proactive and respected partner within international welfare circles, combining advocacy with mutual respect and consensus-building. The Committee’s goals are:

  • To promote advances in animal wellness and welfare around the world, helping to raise standards of veterinary care
  • To provide resources to facilitate these advances, working in partnership with the WSAVA’s other clinical Committees.

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Feature image_Introducing the AWWC

In 2018, the AWWC launched its Animal Welfare Global Guidelines for Companion Animal Practitioners and the Veterinary Team. They aim to bridge differing perceptions of welfare around the world and help veterinarians to tackle the ethical questions and moral issues which impact welfare. They also offer guidance to ensure that, in addition to providing physical health advice and therapy to their patients, veterinarians advocate for their psychological, social and environmental wellbeing.

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If you haven’t had an opportunity to read them yet, an Executive Summary and the full Global Guidelines are available for free download from our website

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Full Guidelines

Executive Summary

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During 2021, the AWWC team is working to promote the Global Guidelines through a range of activities. It is also working to identify key global companion animal welfare issues – including puppy mills, humane dog training, improving shelters, the effect of domestic violence on pets and the dog meat trade. It develops position statements on these issues and links up with other WSAVA Committees and international partners to raise awareness and put forward solutions.

Commenting on its work, AWWC Committee Chair Dr Natasha Lee says:

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Introducing the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC)
Dr Natasha Lee
Chair of the WSAVA AWWC
The field of animal welfare is very wide and the composition of our Committee reflects this. Our members include representatives from academia, non-governmental organisations, consultants, as well as those in practice. They bring a wide range of expertise including animal welfare science, forensic medicine, shelter medicine, rabies control and companion animal population management.

“To achieve our goals, we work in close partnership with the WSAVA’s other Committees and with international groups, including the International Companion Animal Management Coalition (ICAM-Coalition) and the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC).”

“We could not do our work without the great support we receive from the WSAVA’s Diamond Partner, the Purina Institute. On behalf of the whole AWWC, I’d like to say a very big thank you to them.”

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The work of the AWWC is generously supported by AWWC Diamond Sponsor, The Purina Institute. Dr Natalia Wagemans, Head of the Purina Institute, says:

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Introducing the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC)
Dr Natalia Wagemans
Head of The Purina Institute
At Purina, we believe that pets and people are better together. By advancing science of nutrition through global collaboration with the veterinary community, we help to shape the future of health and wellbeing for pets and people. The Purina Institute is proud to partner with the WSAVA as this relationship reflects our shared goals and promote advances in animal welfare and wellness around the world through enhanced nutritional knowledge.

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