Meet Adinda Rana Fauziah (Adinda or Rana)

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Rana is the IVSA Student Ambassador for the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee

Could you introduce yourself to WSAVA members?

My name is Adinda Rana Fauziah but I prefer to be called Adinda or Rana. I’m currently in my last year, studying my Doctor Veterinary Medicine at IPB University, Indonesia.

Where are you at with your veterinary studies?  What areas interest you most and why?

My top three interests are animal welfare, emergency cases, and surgery. Animal welfare interests me because it is an on-going problem for years in my country.  Not many people seem to be interested in this area and those who are tend to be volunteers. I find that people working in the animal welfare field are generally very empathetic and I love working with them for this reason. In terms of emergency cases and surgery, I enjoy being challenged by the variety of the cases and how they motivate me to learn new things every time.

You are a long-term member of WSAVA affiliate member IVSA.  How has membership supported you during your studies?

IVSA helped me to grow my confidence in talking, making decisions, and generally my overall self-confidence. I made a new family from all around the world who are very supportive too.

You’ve developed a passion for animal welfare and already helped to produce shelter management guidelines for Indonesia.  What have you learnt about the complexity of tackling animal welfare issues?

The complexity comes from implementing the regulations and how little people know about animal welfare. The fact that Indonesia is an emerging country doesn’t help because the majority of the population are still struggling to survive themselves.  However, it is possible to bring about change and I have seen the efforts of NGOs really pay off.

What does your role on the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee involve and how is it going so far?

For the AWWC, I mainly do administrative work. I help in organizing meetings, revising minutes, and I organized an AWWC competition earlier this year with the chair, Dr Natasha. Outside the AWWC, I am a member of animal welfare communities as a student representative and moderate talks on animal welfare.  This means I can be a bridge from the WSAVA into my community.

Longer term, what are your career aspirations?

I want to get my degree recognized in Australia so that I can work anywhere in the world as a vet. I also want to work with NGOs focusing on animal welfare. Later in my career, I want to build an animal foundation to help animal shelters or animal welfare communities, mainly in Indonesia.

Tell us something about you that may surprise us – perhaps an unusual skill or hobby?

I don’t have a family name. I may have a very long name but they’re all my first names! It’s very common in Indonesia.


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