Meet Anna Ciećkiewicz, President of IVSA


Anna is a 23-year-old student of veterinary medicine at the University of Agriculture in Kraków, Poland and President of WSAVA Affiliate Member the International Veterinary Students’ Association IVSA for 2021-2022.

Ania Official
Anna Ciećkiewicz

What most interests you about veterinary medicine and how do you see your future?
I am interested in epidemiology and zoonotic diseases. I would like to make my career in research and connect it with work in an international veterinary organization. This would allow me to implement the results of my research in practice and work with veterinarians worldwide. I believe in the power of international and multidisciplinary collaboration to raise the standards of veterinary medicine, improve animal health and human life.

Could you introduce IVSA to our members?
IVSA is the largest veterinary student association in the world, uniting 38,000 members from six continents and more than 70 countries. The diversity is what makes it unique. Thanks to our virtual and live events and other initiatives, we can network, exchange views, learn from each other and broaden our horizons to gain a new perspective on veterinary medicine. Projects run by our Standing Committees help us to raise awareness of topics such as veterinary education, animal welfare, One Health, soft skills and mental health among the veterinarians of the future.


What attracted you to get involved with IVSA??
I believe that there are as many answers to this question as veterinary students worldwide. The variety of our reasons to be involved in the association, our cultural backgrounds, potential future career paths, is what makes IVSA so unique. Additionally, it is a lot of fun working together with members of our diverse, international team!

Obviously, your presidential term is being affected by COVID-19. How are you finding it so far?
The most difficult part of working in such an international team this year is that every country has its own challenges and COVID-19 related restrictions. We are trying to find a compromise between working in virtual settings with our members affected by the lockdown and providing enough live activities for those less affected by the Pandemic. However, my team inspires me every day by their ability to turn these challenges into opportunities!

How is the pandemic affecting IVSA members?

Based on a recently-conducted survey of IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education, the lack of practical classes is having a negative impact on the confidence of students as future clinicians. Some are saying that that they would now prefer to have a career in a more theoretical field of research or policy. The mental health of our members is undoubtedly being affected by the rapidly changing restrictions and study methods.

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How is IVSA supporting them?

IVSA currently has six Regional Teams, full of very motivated members. They come up with ways to support veterinary students in their regions, including symposiums and cultural exchanges. In addition, IVSA’s Standing Committees organize fun and educational activities. These have included a wellness toolkit, an IVSA cookbook, an essay competition, animal welfare campaigns and AMR Youth Summit. These activities help to keep students motivated and encourage them to use this difficult time for self-development, giving them a safe space in which to discuss veterinary and everyday issues.

We’ve had a great response from IVSA members to our new Student Ambassador Scheme. What do you think will be the benefit to the selected Student Ambassadors – and to the WSAVA Committees they join?

IVSA members are inspiring and ambitious future leaders, motivated to improve standards of veterinary medicine worldwide. It is important to encourage them to better understand the WSAVA’s objectives and the work of the WSAVA’s Committees – and beneficial not only to our members, but also to WSAVA Committees because our members bring energy, innovation and new perspectives to the WSAVA.

Why do you believe the relationship between the WSAVA and IVSA is so important?

Working closely with WSAVA in the past months has shown me that we can have a real impact on the veterinary profession. Our collaboration is of great importance to IVSA members because it allows us to interact with worldwide specialists, learning about the new approaches to veterinary medicine. The WSAVA can also help students to gain a better understanding of the role of international veterinary organizations and related career paths, which will allow them to join the WSAVA community after graduation. Students can provide WSAVA with the fresh perspectives offered by the veterinary leaders of tomorrow.

How do you enjoy spending your spare time?

I love traveling, skiing and walking with my dog. Additionally, I work as a tour guide showing international visitors my beautiful city, Kraków.


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