Meet Dr Elli Kalemtzaki


<>Elli is Co-chair of the WSAVA Professional Wellness Group (PWG), which will launch its new Global Guidelines on Professional Wellness during WSAVA 2023 in Lisbon.


Could you introduce yourself to our members?

I am a veterinarian and Certified Professional Coach and work as an independent business consultant in Greece. I am passionate about advancing the well-being of veterinary professionals worldwide and ensuring they work in a supportive and caring environment.

Could you summarize your career to date?

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and hold a postgraduate degree from the National School of Public Health in Athens, Greece. I am also a Professional Coach and a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since 2012.

I have 20 years of experience in the pet food industry and spent the last nine years of these in international roles, working with diverse teams and cultures. I have extensive experience in coaching and mentoring individuals, leading workshops and training business teams in countries across Europe.  In 2017, I started my own business as an independent consultant based in Prague and, later, in Athens to help veterinary practitioners market their services, inspire, and motivate their teams and engage with clients.

I believe in lifelong learning and am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Business Psychology. I am a member of the Board of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society and am delighted to have become Co-chair of the WSAVA PWG.

When and why did you get involved with the WSAVA’s PWG?

I became a member of the WSAVA PWG in 2021 as I have a special interest in mental health and wellbeing. Problems such as burnout, depression and anxiety account for a significant proportion of mental health issues in the veterinary profession. I firmly believe that we should all be able to work in a supportive, professional and caring environment, in which we are valued and respected. I am honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to the wellbeing of the global veterinary community and am keen to continue working with the other members of the PWG in advancing the health and wellbeing of veterinary professionals worldwide.

You’ve been working with the PWG on the world’s first set of Global Wellness Guidelines for the veterinary profession.  How did you approach this project?

We created our new Global Guidelines to provide an evidence-based, accessible set of tools and other resources to support the wellness of the veterinary teams around the world. In the Guidelines, we outline the challenges facing the profession and the various ways in which these issues may be addressed, including both preventive and therapeutic approaches. We also bring together existing veterinary mental health resources to assist our members to improve the wellbeing of the whole veterinary family.

Could you tell us a little about the Guidelines and how you hope they will support WSAVA members?

We know that our profession is experiencing challenges from mental health and wellness related issues and we hope that our Global Guidelines will add context and evidence to this issue and encourage progress towards mitigating the challenges and enabling veterinary teams around the world to enjoy more sustainable and fulfilling careers.  

The Guidelines are not intended as a diagnostic tool but, instead, offer guidance to optimize professional wellbeing. They can also help readers to identify professional wellbeing issues within themselves. Once issues are identified, it is important to seek help from the appropriate sources.

The Guidelines also aim to increase awareness of mental health and its importance within the global veterinary community and identify and assisting in implementing appropriate remedies and programs to improve mental health.

We hope all WSAVA members find the Global Guidelines useful and that they feel inspired to learn more about the practical steps they can take to improve their own wellbeing – and that of their colleagues.

Do you have one top tip to offer our members to help them manage their own wellness and mental resilience?

I highly recommend physical activity as a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting overall wellbeing. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which can help improve mood and alleviate stress.  It also provides a healthy distraction from the sources of stress in our life.  

Regular exercise can also lead to better sleep quality. Sleep and stress are closely connected, and getting sufficient rest can significantly reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Finally, achieving fitness goals and feeling more physically capable can boost your self-esteem and overall sense of confidence.

What do you like to do outside work to relax?

 I use exercise to destress. I prefer physical activities that I genuinely enjoy, such as yoga and swimming, because when I enjoy an activity, I am more likely to stick with it and experience its stress-reducing benefits. I try to set achievable exercise goals to avoid adding unnecessary pressure. The goal is to relieve stress, not create more!



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