Meet Dr Scott Campbell – the most recent member of the Global Nutrition Committee


The Global Nutrition Committee is Co-chaired by Dr Marge Chandler and Dr Cecilia Villaverde.

Its other members are: Dr Scott Campbell, Dr Adriana Quintana Lopez, Rachel Lumbis RVN, Dr Minna Rinkinen, Dr Gregg Takashima, (Adviser), Dr Martin de Scally, Dr Ping-Chih (Ben) Teng, Dr Lisa Weeth. Dr Jim Berry is Liaison with the WSAVA Executive Board.

Meet the GNC’s most recent member, Dr. Scott Campbell

Meet Dr Scott Campbell – the most recent member of the Global Nutrition Committee
Dr Scott Campbell

Could you introduce yourself to WSAVA members?
I’m a small animal veterinarian from Queensland in Australia, with a small animal nutrition specialty from the University of California Davis (UCD).

Could you summarize your career briefly?
I graduated from the University of Queensland in 1994, before working in Australia in both government and private practice positions. I then worked in private and corporate practice in the UK for a few years before returning to Australia and obtaining a membership in Small Animal Medicine through the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists.
I travelled through the US in search of wealth and fame and, instead, was accepted into a small animal nutrition residency through UCD and sat the American College of Veterinary Nutrition certification boards upon completion. I worked on staff at UCD for a while before returning to Australia and accepting a partnership with the Ipswich Veterinary Group. I’ve been there since, along with lecturing at the University of Queensland and accepting other lecture invitations locally, nationally and internationally when they appear to be interesting. I’ve been a consultant for the Veterinary Information Network for around 20 years and serve as a director for Love Your Pet Love Your Vet, a charity aiming to reduce suicide within our profession.


What led you to specialize in nutrition?
I was always drawn towards caring for animals and love the diversity of cases in general practice. Nutrition can also offer quite a wide array of work, via interaction with a variety of other specialities and variation in diet formulation, form and administration. I’d get bored doing too much of the same thing.

What do you believe to be the key issues and opportunities facing companion animal veterinarians in terms of giving advice on nutrition currently?
I think that the biggest stumbling block seems to be the lack of confidence veterinarians convey to clients when providing advice around nutrition. They often know more than they indicate, while others (often with far less knowledge and/or financial motivation) appear much more confident in sharing their opinions. We need to build the veterinary knowledge base and adherent confidence with evidence-based approaches, so that the deluge of poor-quality information can be combatted.

If you could give them one piece of advice, what would it be?
Seek information from trusted sourced if you feel unsure of nutritional recommendations, then make confident recommendations with the patient’s wellbeing as your primary consideration.

Why were you interested in serving as a member of the WSAVA GNC?
I feel obligated to help out and I think that this Committee has a great team that has produced some fantastic resources in the past.

Meet Dr Scott Campbell – the most recent member of the Global Nutrition Committee

What are you most looking forward to?
I’m hoping to contribute to the current progress of the GNC in some meaningful way.

What do you enjoy doing outside work to relax?
I have three wonderful school-aged children, so that limits my free time outside work. I absolutely understand the need to release stress and relax, so try to eat well, exercise regularly, do yoga and meditate, socialise and connect with family, ride motorcycles, shoot clay targets, rest and read, and travel as Covid allows.

Could you tell us something about you that might surprise us?
I’m on a journey of self-discovery as are many others. One of my favourite quotes is that we spend the first half of our life building an ego and the second half letting it go. I’m much more understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses, my motivations and coping strategies than I have been in the past. It’s a process that I believe can benefit everyone.

Find out more about the whole GNC team


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