Meet Dr Sue Paterson


<>Meet Dr Sue Paterson, President of the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology, a new affiliate member of the WSAVA


Could you introduce yourself to our members and tell them a little about your career to date?

I’m a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) and European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology.  Other than during my residency training, I have always worked in clinical practice and have a particular interest in all aspects of otitis. I’m a Fellow of the RCVS, awarded for meritorious contribution to clinical practice in the field of veterinary dermatology; a past president of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, and the past president of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology. I am currently President of the RCVS. 

What spurred your interest in dermatology?

I was a veterinarian in mixed mostly production animal practice on Exmoor, UK, and once heard Danny Scott, a now retired American veterinary dermatologist speak. He was a truly inspirational speaker, I found his talk about pustules, papules and furunculosis spellbinding and promptly enrolled to take my Certificate then Diploma in veterinary dermatology in the UK. 

Could you tell us a little about the work of the WAVD?

Our mission is to promote the worldwide advancement of veterinary dermatology. We do this is a range of ways, including the provision of scholarships and awards; organizing a World Congress every four years, holding a World Veterinary Dermatology Day every year and providing continuing education through consensus guidelines, proceedings, and a series of free to access webinars which make up amongst other things a complete foundation course on our website, also available through WSAVA.

What does your role as President involve?

The WAVD is a Scottish Charity and, as President, I’m Chair of the Trustee Board. Beyond that, I’m hugely privileged to lead a group of committed veterinary dermatologists which includes specialist and practitioners from all over the world, who willingly give their time for free to help us further our mission.

We have an Administrative Committee, made up of veterinary dermatologists, including representatives from all of our global membership organisation. It oversees and contributes to our subcommittees, which include our Education Committee, Publicity Committee and Publications Committee and the organising committee of our World Congress.

The WAVD is now an affiliate of the WSAVA which is great news!  How do you hope the new relationship will benefit our members and their patients?

Our ability to collaborate with the WSAVA is exciting. We know that skin disease is common wherever veterinarians practice and the ability to manage skin disease successfully is essential to improve animal health and welfare.  Working with the WSAVA will allow us to disseminate information and resources globally but especially to underserved areas of the world where it is needed most.

How are you marking World Veterinary Dermatology Day (WVDD) on 3 February 2024?

WVDD celebrates the birth of the father of veterinary dermatology, Hugo Schindelka. We have two key opinion leaders providing world class continuing education in the form of Professor Ralf Mueller talking about ‘Adverse food reactions: a practical overview’ and Dr Chiara Noli speaking on ‘A historical journey through feline allergic skin disease’.  Subtitles are available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Mandarin.

Please join us at for these fantastic presentations!

If you could give our members one piece of advice when they are dealing with dermatology patients, what would it be?

Pruritus is a severe common presenting sign in general practice in all species. Whilst symptomatic therapy is acceptable in the short term to give an animal relief and improve its quality of life, it’s not a long-term solution and should not replace investigation of the cause, which doesn’t have to be expensive.



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