Meet Liat Geller, the WSAVA new operations manager

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Liat Geller works for Kenes Associations, part of the Kenes Group, which also organizes WSAVA World Congress

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Could you introduce yourself to our members?
I’m 44 years old and live in Ramat Gan, which is a small suburb of Tel Aviv in Israel. I’m a recent convert to the world of associations as my background is in procurement, sales and marketing. I’m very excited to work for the WSAVA!

You’re the new Operations Manager for the WSAVA – what does your role involve?
Just about everything! My main responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the day-to-day relationship with our member representatives
  • Developing the WSAVA Academy
  • Supporting the WSAVA Executive Board
  • Helping to prepare for the General Assembly and other meetings during World Congress in Lima
  • Running the WSAVA’s website, social media and webinars.

There’s always something to do!


Liat Geller Head Shot

You’ve already worked with the WSAVA on the Congress side – what are your impressions of the association?
The biggest impression I have is that the WSAVA is an association that really puts a lot of emphasis on looking after its members and that it is working to be as inclusive as an association can be. Every decision is made with the need for inclusivity and diversity at its heart.

What are you most enjoying about your role?
I’m a people person so, by far, what I’m enjoying most is getting to know members from across the globe and learning about the many initiatives underway. And I also have to say that I love choosing photos to accompany our social media and articles. I mean – how many people get paid to look at cute animals?

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Meet Liat Geller, the WSAVA new operations manager

Do you have any companion animals?

Yes! I have a 13-year-old orange and white cat named ‘Shmil’ after the vet that saved him as a kitten (Dr. Shmulik Shilanski) and an 8-year-old black mixed breed dog named Wing. Both are rescues and they’re always next to me when I work.

Tell us something about you that may surprise us!

I am the head coach of the Israel women Rugby 7s National team, and have been involved in Rugby for over 18 years. I played and captained the National team when I was younger, moved on to becoming a international referee and 6 years ago started coaching. The national team is a recent promotion – as is the WSAVA role – so my life has definitely turned into (a very positive) roller coaster over the last couple of months!

Also, I’m a cat lady – I feed all the neighbourhood cats!

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