Meet Richard Casey, new Executive Director of the WSAVA


Veterinary leadership advocate and thought leader

Could you introduce yourself to WSAVA members?

I’m a proud Welshman with a passion for bringing 21st century leadership and management to the veterinary profession. It’s a topic that has interested me since I first joined the veterinary sector in the UK in 2011. I’ve spoken on aspects of leadership at many UK congresses, including BSAVA Congress, and I’m looking forward to putting my knowledge and expertise in this area at the service of the WSAVA and its global membership.

Could you summarize your career to date?

I’ve most recently held senior leadership roles at UK-based veterinary charity Blue Cross, including delivering of significant change management programmes that resulted in improved clinical, team and commercial performance. Before joining Blue Cross, I worked at another UK-based veterinary charity, PDSA. 

I am currently president of the UK’s Veterinary Management Group, which represents veterinary professionals in leadership roles.

You clearly have a passion for effective leadership and management. Why is it so important today?

Exceptional leadership is key to the long-term sustainability of the veterinary sector globally yet, in my experience, there is little understanding of the skills and behaviors required of effective leaders and managers. This knowledge deficit is contributing to the increasing levels of burnout, stress and depression, we are seeing in the profession globally.

Given the need to navigate the profession successfully through the many external challenges and changes it faces, I believe it is vital that those in leadership roles or with an aspiration to move into one, acknowledge that that they may need to acquire new skills, behaviours and knowledge in order to perform effectively and to inspire those they lead.

If we can create more 21st century veterinary leaders around the world, we will make a huge contribution to the sustainability of our profession.

You are currently researching for a Doctorate in Business Administration. Could you tell us a little about this?

I am a doctoral candidate, researching strategic leadership in the veterinary industry at the University of Swansea in Wales. I am exploring an emerging trend among individuals to seek professional fulfilment through aligning their personal values with those of the organization they work for.

What have you been doing since you started working with the WSAVA?

For the first couple of months, I have focused on meeting as many WSAVA leaders, partners and stakeholders as possible. Rather than ‘rushing into action’, I believe that by listening and absorbing information first, I will be able to develop an accurate view of where the WSAVA is today, and that this will then help me to define the most important priorities for action.

What are your priorities for the first few months?

As mentioned, I am still working on defining these but a key priority will certainly be the development of a new three-year strategic plan for WSAVA as our current plan expires this year.  I expect it to include a renewed focus on advocacy and education.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

I’m looking forward to meeting as many WSAVA members and stakeholders as possible, either online or, of course, face-to-face in Lima!

Tell us something about you that may surprise us.

I’m passionate about people being able to express themselves in the way that they want to and I have a strong interest in body art.  I am quite heavily tattooed and my tattoos express my interests and experiences at different stages of my life

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