Meet the Reproduction Control Committee (RCC)


The WSAVA’s Reproduction Control Committee (RCC) aims to ensure that veterinarians globally have access to the latest resources and knowledge on the rapidly-evolving area of reproduction control. The Committee is chaired by Professor Stefano Romagnoli, a European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Reproduction (Dipl ECAR) from the University of Padua in Italy, and comprises reproduction experts from around the world.

Current RCC Activities

The RCC is conducting a survey of WSAVA members to explore priorities for education and advice. It has created a questionnaire which is currently being translated into a range of languages so stay tuned and please complete it once it’s been launched to help the RCC gain as much accurate and up to date information about clinician needs as possible!

The Committee has also organized a joint stream with the WSAVA’s Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC) for this year’s WSAVA World Congress in Lima – don’t miss it if you’re going!

The team is also preparing for the production of the first WSAVA Global Guidelines on Reproduction.  A framework document has been produced and content drafting is underway. Look out for the completed Guidelines in 2023!

Professor Romagnoli says: “Giving advice on reproduction or its control and carrying out spaying and neutering procedures often form a large part of a general clinician’s work.  Many of our members are also actively involved in large-scale spay-neuter programs.

“We aim to help members make science-based choices for the management of reproduction in their patients, while safeguarding animal welfare and supporting the human-companion animal bond. We will offer them the latest information to help them make recommendations as to the most appropriate approach to neutering for their patients.

Stefano Romagnoli_Chair SNGC
Prof. Stefano Romagnoli
RCC Committee Chair
We aim to help members make science-based choices for the management of reproduction in their patients”

<>Meet the members of the RCC

Copy of RCC Meet the team

The work of the WSAVA Reproduction Control Committee is generously supported by Virbac.


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