Meet the WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG)

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A team of experts from around the world focused on providing evidence-based scientific advice to the global veterinary profession on optimum vaccination practice for dogs and cats

Vaccination is a fundamentally important element of veterinary practice and an area that has seen changes in recommendations in recent years.  The VGG aims to provide evidence-based advice to companion animal veterinarians through creating resources such as:

  • WSAVA Global Vaccination Guidelines
  • Regionally-specific recommendations – those for Asia and Latin America have already been prepared
  • Continuing education (CE) on vaccinology – including lectures during WSAVA World Congress

A recently launched initiative is a Scholarship for veterinary students into an aspect of small companion animal infectious disease, clinical vaccinology or immunology.  The Michael J. Day Scholarship has been created in memory of the VGG’s inspirational founder, the late Emeritus Professor Michael Day.


Full details and guidance on the application process for 2023, together with eligibility criteria, are available here.

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Dr-Richard-Squires (square image)
Dr. Richard Squires
VGG Committee Chair
As a team, we are committed to enhancing the understanding and practice of vaccination in companion animals globally

What’s new for 2023?

Updated WSAVA Global Vaccination Guidelines!

Look out for a brand-new version of the VGG’s flagship Global Vaccination Guidelines coming later this year.  The VGG has worked hard on this updated version over the last two years to ensure their advice is fully up-to-date and that the document is as accessible and relevant for veterinarians globally as possible.  It also contains a range of new sections and content areas.

The VGG heads to Africa!

The VGG’s first regional visit to Sub-Saharan Africa will get underway in May, starting in South Africa.  It marks the start of a three-year project to produce a regional recommendations document, authored by the VGG to support veterinarians in Sub-Saharan Africa on optimal vaccination practices. The VGG also plans to visit several other Sub-Saharan countries during the next three years to support the creation of its recommendations.  During each regional visit, VGG members will meet representatives of companion animal veterinary associations; veterinary practitioners; government veterinarians, industry veterinarians and academics from across the region.

Dr Richard Squires, Chair of the VGG, says: “As a team, we are committed to enhancing the understanding and practice of vaccination in companion animals globally.  Our Vaccination Guidelines are already one of the most frequently downloaded resources on the WSAVA’s website and we are currently finalizing the latest version for launch later this year.

“We are proud to have launched the Michael J Day Scholarship last year. Michael had a global outlook and a passion for veterinary education, which underpinned his commitment to raising standards of evidence-based vaccination practice. This Scholarship is a fitting tribute to him and we are grateful for MSD Animal Health’s support in creating it.”

He adds: “We hope that the online modules we have created will encourage even more veterinarians to update their knowledge in this evolving area of veterinary medicine and that they will then join with us in driving positive change in vaccination, ensuring that even more companion animals are vaccinated in a scientifically-based, robust and safer fashion.

“Our work would not have been possible without the support of WSAVA Platinum Partner, MSD Animal Health, which recognizes the significance of science-based vaccination and the importance of enabling the VGG to work as a totally independent academic committee. Thank you, MSD Animal Health.”

Meet the members of the VGG:

Meet the members of the VGG

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VGG Committee

MSD Animal Health has been the sole sponsor of the VGG since its formation. David Sutton, Global Technical Director, says:

“Pet vaccination is important because it has long been considered one of the well-established ways to prevent illness and help pets live longer, better lives. MSD Animal Health has been a proud sponsor of the VGG since its inception in 2006 because together we recognize that while pet vaccination is a routine procedure in many countries, there is a need for global guidelines to expand and improve the knowledge and understanding of the immunological principles behind vaccination, as well as a need for independent expert guidance on the scientific evidence underpinning vaccination best practice.”


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