Meet WSAVA Speaker of the Year Dr Laurent Garosi DVM Dip ECVN FRCVS


We congratulate Dr Garosi, EBVS® and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology and Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons on receiving this Award for his neurology lectures during the WSAVA’s Virtual Congress in November 2021.

We asked him for some insights into what he enjoys about lecturing and how he engages his audience

What did you find most enjoyable about participating in WSAVA Congress?

The global reach of WSAVA is the most exciting aspect.  As specialists, we can have too narrow a view of our speciality, in my case neurology, and perhaps believe that it is only relevant to our American and European neurology colleges. When you lecture at WSAVA Congress, you quickly realize that there is a far larger community of like-minded professionals out there, sharing the same passion for your speciality – and WSAVA Congress allows you to reach them.  I have also worked personally to reach out globally via a professional Facebook page called Veterinary Neurology which I created with Simon Platt. It now has 45,000 followers across the globe from South America to South East Asia!

 How do you adapt your style and content for virtual lectures or discussions?

Visual aids, such as showing videos of cases illustrating the point you are trying to make, are even more important when delivering a virtual lecture. You also have to work even harder at your delivery in order to convey your enthusiasm and passion to keep everyone interested and feeling that they are taking something meaningful back to their everyday practice of veterinary medicine.

When you lecture at WSAVA Congress, you quickly realize that there is a far larger community of like-minded professionals out there, sharing the same passion for your speciality – and WSAVA Congress allows you to reach them
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 What are your top tips for preparing an engaging lecture?

 Know your audience and their needs

  1. Know your audience and their needs
  2. Whenever possible, try to tell a story
  3. Humour can get you a long way in trying to deliver a take home message!


How did you feel when you heard you’d won the WSAVA Speaker of the Year Award?

It was an immense pleasure to be informed of this Award.  Teaching is a passion and one of the most meaningful aspects of my job as I get older and want to give back to the profession.  Neurology is often seen as a daunting topic and managing to change this perception through my lectures is a challenge I was trying to rise to!


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