New advice on Dachshund spinal health in paper co-authored by WSAVA Hereditary Disease Committee (HDC) Member Dr Helle Friis Proschowsky


Radiograph recommended over DNA test in predicting risk of disc herniation

Disc herniation in Dachshunds is a painful, hereditary condition, typically preceded by disc calcification. In Denmark and other countries, the selection of breeding dogs is based on a radiographic examination of the spine and evaluation of the number of calcified discs. In addition, an insertion of an FGF4 retrogene on canine chromosome 12 has been identified and associated with the risk of developing disc herniation in chondrodystrophic breeds. A DNA test for this insertion is available.

However, a new paper, co-authored by Dr Proschowsky, a WSAVA HDC member, who works at the Danish Kennel Club, suggests that, while the use of the DNA test is attractive because it is easier and less invasive, the results should be viewed with caution. While the mutation identified by the DNA test is a risk factor in specific dog populations mainly from the US, it may not be useful in other populations and, in Denmark, at least, a radiographic examination is a more effective selection tool.

Dachshund xray
X-ray image of a dachshund’s spine. The red arrows show examples of discs with visible calcification (courtesy Vibeke F. Jensen)

The study also provides additional data supporting the fact that IVDD affects one Dachshund in five. In view of this, the authors recommend that all countries implement a breeding scheme based on a radiographic examination of the dog’s spine between two and four years of age.

Dr Helle Friis Proschowsky
Member of the WSAVA Hereditary Disease Committee
“Our findings underline the need for validation when it comes to DNA tests, especially when it comes to complex diseases where a DNA test identifies one of perhaps several genetic risk factors, and not a simple, monogenic causative mutation.

The paper is called Breeding schemes for intervertebral disc disease in dachshunds: Is disc calcification score preferable to genotyping of the FGF4 retrogene insertion on CFA12? Authors: Camilla Sichlau Bruun, Charlotte Bruun, Tine Marx, Helle Friis Proschowsky and Merete Fredholm

It has been published open access in Canine Medicine and Genetics.

Read it here

A general ription of IVDD in English for breeders and owners has been reproduced from the Danish Kennel Club magazine.

Read it here

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