New Chair Announced for WSAVA Global Pain Council


New Member for WSAVA Hereditary Disease Committee

A Brazilian veterinarian working at the University of Montreal, Canada, Dr Bea Monteiro PhD, PgDip, ISFM AdvCert FB, is the new Chair of the WSAVA Global Pain Council (GPC).

Bea Monteiro, an existing member of the GPC, works as a research advisor at the University of Montreal, focusing on the assessment and treatment of pain in animals to enhance welfare. The laboratory in which she works has developed globally-recognized pain management tools, such as the Feline Grimace Scale.

Dr Monteiro says: “It is an exciting time to become Chair of the GPC. Our first set of Global Pain Guidelines have proved a benchmark for veterinarians around the world so we are excited to be launching our updated Guidelines later this year, during WSAVA World Congress in Lima, Peru.

“I’m particularly delighted to become Chair at a time at which the veterinary profession is engaging with the concepts of both One Health and One Welfare.

New Chair Announced for WSAVA Global Pain Council

“It is my hope that the WSAVA’s global community can help to drive understanding of these important subjects so that we can improve the lives of animals, people and the beautiful planet we live on. We are all ‘nature’ and need to take care of all that surrounds us.”

The work of the GPC is kindly supported by

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The WSAVA’s Hereditary Disease Committee (HDC) has also announced a new member – Dr Becky Murphy.

The work of the HDC is kindly supported by the .

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