New Global Guidelines on Small Companion Animal Direct Zoonoses Coming Soon

Members of the WSAVA One Health Committee (OHC) and external invited experts have been working to complete the new WSAVA Global Guidelines on Direct Zoonoses.

During 2022 and 2023, members of the WSAVA One Health Committee (OHC) and external invited experts have been working to complete the new WSAVA Global Guidelines on Direct Zoonoses, which will include information relating to dogs, cats, exotic, and other non-traditional pets.  An overview of these new Guidelines will be given during WSAVA 2023 at the start of the One Health stream on World Rabies Day, September 28, 2023.  They will also be submitted to the WSAVA’s official scientific journal, the Journal of Small Animal Practice, for review and publication.

OHC Chair Dr Michael Lappin says: “We believe these new WSAVA Small Companion Animal Direct Zoonoses Guidelines are the first to be published with the intent to be applicable as Global Guidelines as they focus on agents common to the world. 

“Regional guidelines will follow in due course, plus we plan to convert the information contained in the Global Guidelines into an app for easy access by both veterinarians and family physicians. Stay tuned!”

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