Reason to be less glum about glomerulonephritis? JSAP investigates the prevalence and treatment of immune-complex glomerulonephritis in UK dogs

Professor Nick Jeffery, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Small Animal Practice, our Official Scientific Journal, highlights a paper from the latest issue.

Occurrence, management and outcome of UK dogs with immune-complex glomerulonephritis


It can be difficult to substantially impact the health and longevity of animals with renal failure. As with many diseases, treatment may be limited by a lack of a precise diagnosis and, for renal failure specifically, we are often treating an end-stage condition.

In the November issue of JSAP, Dr Vessieres and colleagues report results of kidney biopsy in a large number of dogs that presented with proteinuria. Amongst the variety of histological diagnoses was a fair proportion that had immune-complex glomerulonephritis, which is susceptible to immunosuppressive therapy.


Reproduced from BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Nephrology and Urology, third edition.

This is important to know because it is a step toward breaking down the renal failure monolith into more specific diagnoses for which effective targeted therapy can be developed.
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