Recent White Paper: ‘Review of the Current State of Genetic Testing – A Living Resource’


A ‘must-read’ for WSAVA members, says the HDC

The use of genetic testing by clinicians and owners is increasing rapidly. With this, comes growing concern about the potential for the misuse of testing so it is important that veterinarians and owners are aware of both the benefits and limitations. The HDC recommends this white paper by lead author Dr Anita Oberbauer from UC-Davis, USA, as an excellent entry level resource to help educate veterinarians and owners as to the issues and proper practices in genetic testing and genetic test interpretation.

Dr Anita Oberbauer
Dr Anita Oberbauer
Lead author

Dr Oberbauer says:

My goal was to create a resource that helps put genetic testing into context in order to help veterinarians best apply their results.

Read the paper


The HDC says: “The white paper is written in lay terms with background information (in the paper and embedded links to educational videos prepared for the paper) for readers of all backgrounds.”

The paper was funded jointly by the OFA – Canine Health Information and the AKC Canine Health Foundation.

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